Care For All Phases of Life
Our mission is to provide rehabilitative residential and behavior services to consumers that are diagnosed with intellectual developmental disabilities, chronic/persistent mental illness, co-occurring disorders or that are physically impaired.
The Opulent Care approach provides a 3-phase residential model that includes a Specialized Residential Treatment Program, Semi-Independent Living Program as well as Independent Living Programs.
Our Application
The Individual Person:
Life Skills Training
Micro Enterprise
Psychological Skill Development
Structured Daily Routines
Dietary Skill Development
Education Programming
The Individual in the Community:
The Individual Holistic Approach:
Collaboration with local businesses for competitive employment opportunities, volunteer organizations to provide opportunities to give back to the community as well as participation in community projects and special events. Teaching public safety.
Spending time in locations of their choice where the community is not a community of clients only.
Motivational Intervention Program
Peer and Mentorship Program
24 Hour On-Call Crisis Intervention
Integrative Health Approach